High School Academy


Our High School Academy program focus on post-secondary preparation, including lessons on financial literacy, community service, how to pay for college, resume building, interviewing skills, and more.

High School Academy

Our High School Academy program is open to 9th-12th graders, includes mostly youth who participated in our middle school programs, and focuses on helping our youth prepare the next steps after high school, including plans for college and career.

College Awareness & Preparation

Our youth visit six colleges every year, including a multi-day overnight trip over spring break. These visits help youth learn about different college options, what kind of schools they like, and the steps they need to take to apply.

Career & Life Skills Development

Youth have opportunities to meet with local professionals to learn about a wide variety of career paths and build important skills that will help them throughout life, including financial literacy, interviewing, and decision making.

Civic Engagement & Community Service

We help youth learn about important issues, get involved in their community, and take action on the issues they care about most.

Learn More About High School Academy

High School Academy is held twice per week at our local high schools, which currently include Harrisonburg High School and Waynesboro High School.

Genesis, On the Road youth, gives the Keynote speech at the On the Road 5th Anniversary gala

“I feel as though I’ve grown a lot through On The Road. I’ve made connections with people who I never thought I would connect so well with. I’ve also come to an understanding that I don’t need to stick to one idea or career throughout my entire life. I honestly don’t know where I’ll end up, but one thing I know for sure is that wherever this road is leading me, I’m on the road to success.” 

— Genesis, On the Road 12th grade youth


Interested in joining one of our high-school programs?

Email Kishia Taylor, High School Program Coordinator, at: kishia@ontheroadcollaborative.com and she will get back to you with enrollment information shortly. We can’t wait to welcome you into our On the Road family!

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